My favorite testimony (so far)

The mother of this newborn baby who was saved from the abortion pill understands that God is the one who truly saved her baby, not us.
The best perk about our line of work by far, in my opinion, is getting to hear the testimonies of women whose babies God saved from abortion. I also love getting to see and hold the babies who have been saved, of course, but to me there is something special about hearing a woman herself tell you why she, as a woman who once intended to “choose” abortion, appreciates your efforts. Hear a few of those testimonies and you will understand why the “pro-woman” position is truly “anti-abortion.”
We have had many opportunities to hear such wonderful testimonies over the years, of course, but I think my current favorite is one we received just yesterday, because this testimony shows that this woman not only grasps the value of her baby, but she grasps the essence of what it means to “glorify Jesus.”
Many times women express appreciation to us, saying “you saved my baby,” but the woman who wrote us yesterday said “God saved my daughter and I am so very thankful that it was because of you!”
She understands that we are simply tools in God’s hands, and that we ourselves don’t save babies — God does! She understands the essence of what it means to “glorify Jesus.”
The word “glory” in the Bible relates to “light,” so to me “glorifying Jesus” means shining a spotlight on Him. If we were standing on a stage next to Jesus, cooperating with Him in some kind of production, we should be content to remain in the shadows, understanding that He truly deserves the spotlight.
Expressions like “we saved a baby today” are common (and often harmless) in the pro-life movement, but we would do well to continually strive to glorify Jesus in our speech by verbally recognizing the fact the He alone is our One True Savior.