Pastor Daniel Parks, executive director of Cities4Life in Charlotte, interviewed Tim and Terri Palmquist during their recent visit to North Carolina. He entitled the interview “Gleaning Wisdom from Pro-Life Pioneers….” Beginning with how Christians responded to Roe v. Wade, the Palmquists explained how God led them into pro-life ministry, even using a girl’s lie for good. They also shared how God saved a child physically and spiritually, how God used a baby in a jar, and some personal experiences with Operation Rescue and Life Chain. The Palmquists point to their relationship with a true pro-life pioneer leading them to get involved with national efforts to end abortion, realizing how churches and politics are not incompatible. But some of the most important wisdom originated from a Charlotte-based hero. Listen to the Gospel-centered pro-life podcast directly at this link:
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My favorite testimony (so far)

The mother of this newborn baby who was saved from the abortion pill understands that God is the one who truly saved her baby, not us.
The best perk about our line of work by far, in my opinion, is getting to hear the testimonies of women whose babies God saved from abortion. I also love getting to see and hold the babies who have been saved, of course, but to me there is something special about hearing a woman herself tell you why she, as a woman who once intended to “choose” abortion, appreciates your efforts. Hear a few of those testimonies and you will understand why the “pro-woman” position is truly “anti-abortion.”
We have had many opportunities to hear such wonderful testimonies over the years, of course, but I think my current favorite is one we received just yesterday, because this testimony shows that this woman not only grasps the value of her baby, but she grasps the essence of what it means to “glorify Jesus.”
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Meet our abortion pill baby!
Last year, a woman from Texas called us for help. After taking the RU486 abortion pill, she visited one of our websites and decided she wanted to save her baby’s life. Today we will have the privilege of meeting the precious little girl whose life God saved that day!
Our little Texan God saved from the abortion pill!
When the FDA opened the floodgates to the abortion pill a few years ago, we began receiving these “abortion pill calls” from time to time. The doctors we initially consulted about trying to save these babies expressed doubt that it was even possible, and concern that the mother’s life could be endangered by trying to save the baby.
But eventually God led us to a doctor who provided information about how a baby might be saved from the effects of the abortion pill if the mother went through a series of shots.
When the baby’s mother called from Texas last year, we connected her with a doctor in her area, who administered the shots. About six months ago, her baby was born, perfectly healthy!
Little boy saved twice
Last summer as Terri taught during Vacation Bible School, she had the opportunity to pray with a little boy to place his trust in Christ as His Savior and Lord. I remember Terri’s excitement when she told me about the experience, but I think my response at the time was somewhat less than enthusiastic. The angels in heaven may have been rejoicing, but to me he was just another little boy.
A few days ago, we learned that there is much more to this little boy’s life story. His father told a friend how he had planned to abort his son. Continue reading →
God shows His love for us
on a special abortion day
Balancing ministry and family is the most difficult challenge we face. Often it seems like the ministry is harming the family and the family is harming the ministry. On October 28, it seemed like ministry and family were having a head-on collision. But our new video shows how God blessed us on a day when Terri was “bummed.”
The shocking 1991 Thanksgiving news…
which thankfully never became a reality
On Thanksgiving Day in 1991, we shared with our extended family the somewhat shocking news that we may be adopting a baby (although Terri had just given birth to our son Matthew). But instead God filled the heart of Jackie (the pregnant mother) with love for her son Jordan, and God used Jordan to bring her joy throughout the years which followed.
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