This is a new recording (and new video) of my song Broken For Me, inspired by the movie The Passion of the Christ. The audio-only version is available on our page.
Category Archives: poetry
A place that should have been safe!
by Terri Palmquist

Terri Palmquist
Babies died today…
In a place that should have been safe!
Thousands marched in protest…
But, babies still died today,
In a place that should have been safe!
Laws were passed and politicians elected…
But, babies still died today,
In a place that should have been safe!
Fundraisers attended and fair booths manned…
But, babies still died today,
In a place that should have been safe!
Prolife centers were open offering help…
But, babies still died today,
In a place that should have been safe!
Some clinics closed down and some doctors quit…
But, babies still died today,
In a place that should have been safe!
A few stood in the gap at the door of death…
But, babies still died today,
In a place that should have been safe!
For over 40 years, we have tried this and that…
But, babies continue to die everyday,
In a place that should be safe!