(This is part two of a series. Tap here to read the first half, which focused on scriptural examples of God’s people who virtuously supported flawed heathen leaders.)

Does history offer any examples of holocausts which were ended by righteous rulers? I have found none. Instead, history seems to indicate that a narcissistic leader like Churchill is typically empowered by our sovereign God to lead urgent life-saving (and nation-saving) political tasks which often are too “dirty” for perfectionistic Christians to accomplish.
Are Christians then helpless to do anything in our nation to end the American Holocaust of abortion? Should we follow those who make the pledge to refuse to offer any support for any politician who falls short of penalizing every abortion as murder (in an effort to “immediately” end every abortion)? Or shouldn’t our primary goal first be to seek to support politicians who will allow Christians to pursue efforts to protect the lives of vulnerable children?