Terri Lawler met Tim Palmquist in 1977 at First Baptist Church in Delano, CA.

April 28, 1985
Even before Tim and Terri were married, God led them to minister to mothers and babies, seeking an end to our nation’s Abortion Holocaust. Within a few years, Terri was chosen to lead LifeSavers Ministries. Meanwhile, Tim supported the family through his software engineering business, while helping with ministry tasks whenever possible. After many years of trying to juggle ministry, family, and business, Tim eventually decided to focus on ministry full time (while still occasionally serving his computer clients).
For our latest ministry information, go to www.glorifyJesus.com.
Our original website began in the early days of the Internet, and we have not taken the time to bring all of our old pages up to modern mobile-friendly standards. Nevertheless, these old pages still contain some valuable information which is not available elsewhere. So if you choose to visit any of the links below, using a full-screen computer is advisable.
I just read an excellent book review in the Christian Examiner, written by Tim. I am an author of a three-novel series with key themes related to life from a Christian worldview. I would like to send you copies of the first two books in the series with the hope that you might review/endorse them. They were both recommended at the Calvary Chapel Pastors’ Wives Retreats on the West Coast and the East Coast last year and this year. The first novel addresses the pull of New Age thought in our culture and also confronts the topic of suicide in a family desperately needing faith. The second novel examines the abortion issue from the perspective of an infertile young couple seeking to start a family at the same time they are blossoming as new believers. The third novel continues to look at this delicate subject, but this time through the eyes of a young 14-year-old teen who has become pregnant. It is in the final editing stages and should be in print by early 2013.
The first two novels in the series are available on amazon and barnesandnoble.com as well as through the publisher, Thomas Nelson’s WestbowPress.com
For more information, see my website: http://www.rosemaryhines.com
Thank you! Blessings on your ministry to give a voice to the innocent unborn.
Rosemary Hines
Hello Terri, I am a single mother and I have 16 children. When I was in highschool I had a few abortions, but through serious religious searching I’ve found salvation. You’ve helped do this. Thank you mother terri(sa)!
Hi Tim, this is a friend from your days at Fresno Pacific College. I wanted to let you know that Reverend Mervin Dick, who was the pastor at Butler Church from 1980-1984 died recently. He was living in Colorado at the time of his death.