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Encouraging messages received during our trial

July 2005

We received messages during our trial from people in the Bakersfield area and others across the nation and around the world. Many wrote to simply assure us that they were praying for us. Below are excerpts from some of the messages. Thank you to everyone who wrote: you provided us with great encouragement during this ordeal!

You are in my prayers. Greater is He who is in you!

I am saddened to hear that these charges have come against you and am praying for you and Terri that the Lord will vindicate you and will give you wisdom and will fill your mouths with His words. I pray Romans 8:28 over you also that God will work all of this together for your good.

[This friend then shares a personal testimony about following God's direction to pray in the parking lot of an abortion center.]

I hope this has encouraged you and I say to you God bless you for being so faithful to Him and working so diligently to save the lives of these precious ones. A few times the Lord has spoken to my heart, "Very few things touch My heart as much as this issue." So know that you are right there in the very heart of God. I will continue to pray for you and Terri that God will work this situation out and that He will be glorified and that He will continue to use you in mighty ways to help save these little ones and also share Him with their mothers.

May God richly bless you!!!

GOD will not be mocked. Trust HIM.

Thank you for the update...what a day! I pray whatever happens, God will get the glory and you will be able to continue your ministry.

...I will continue to pray for you!

You will be in our heart and in our prayer.

Do you have any idea who came up with that line, "represent yourself and have a fool for a lawyer?" ANOTHER LAWYER !!!!!

...having watched some fools try to be lawyers (I have seen a large number of fools calling themselves "lawyers," I might add -- worthless in court, by the way), I came up with this strategy: 1) assume and acknowledge the logic and intended fairness of law ; 2) acknowledge that without a lawyer, certain legal and important procedures will not be evident to me; 3) present to the court the cost factors verses personal budget factors -- making it clear to the court that serving as one's own attorney is, this day, a work of necessity and not one of wanton foolishness; 4) appeal to the law itself -- if the law allows for self representation, we should have some degree of confidence in the outcome because of this legal provision; 5) display humility -- do not at any time pretend in action or word to be an attorney (you know, none of this "whereof, your honor, as the party of the first part ...."); 6) understand that a "good attorney" is not good BECAUSE HE IS AN ATTORNEY -  he is "good" because he knows how to state his case -- plain and simple....

[The following message was received from a well-known national pro-life leader:]

Hello Tim and Terri,

Please know that out there in the safe zones are many who are convicted, and rightfully so, by your exemplary stand for righteousness. The sermons you preach through your lives surely resound with angelic applause. You are among the truly great Americans in our nation today. Tragically, America has so very few of you, and that is due in part to our failure to value and appreciate you and fellow giants of the faith as we should. But take heart: God values and appreciates you rightfully, and that is the precious bottom line.

I am honored to know of you and your labors for Christ.

In His grace,

[the following message was received from pro-life leaders in Denver:]

Hello Christian Warriors,

You're in our prayers and may God get the glory. God says, rejoice in trials and tribulation. It's not fun at the moment, but you'll love the memories later. God wants his people to witness to the lost and to confront the wicked. Ephesians 5:11 says, Have no fellowship with the wicked, but expose them. They don't like being exposed, so good job.

God Bless!!!

[the following message was received from European pro-life leaders]

Dear Tim,

Praise the Lord. As your e mail address is saying GLORIFY JESUS.

We pray for you.

The Lord is in control.

I forward this e-mail to our prayer warriors also.

Keep us informed....

We also are under pressure because of our side walk counselling. Please pray also for us.

Praise the Lord

He is good and faithfull

We pray that the abortion clinic will be closed and that the workers will be saved

lord has mercy

[From a Christian attorney who is involved in pro-life ministry:]

...We'll be praying for you. By the way, I can think of several pro pers who've actually done quite well in getting charges dismissed -- especially when they weren't actually guilty.

[from a Christian attorney in another state:]



Praise God from whom all blessings flow! I am so glad to hear of the newest developments. You and all your family have been in my prayers throughout this. I will continue to pray especially for the neighboring property own to not be harassed in anyway.

God bless you and yours,


God is bigger than DA's, Bakersfield, and elephants.

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